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Meet the psychologists behind Ally

Clara Zelleroth and Helga Johnsson Wennerdal

"How can we help more couples to strengthen and deepen their relationship in an easy way?"

That’s the question that Helga J. Wennerdal and Clara Zelleroth, both licensed psychologists specializing in couples therapy, asked themselves.

Throughout their combined years of clinical practice as psychologists, Clara and Helga spent time each day with couples who could have prevented relationship deterioration had they sought professional help earlier. It was at their therapy clinic in Gothenburg, Sweden, that the idea for Ally was born, and in 2021, their couples therapy was app created to help more people overcome common relationship challenges and feel satisfied in their relationship.

The reality of modern love

When it comes to making relationships last in the modern world, the odds aren’t always favourable. Divorce rates in the UK are currently estimated at over 40% with almost half of divorces filed in the first 10-12 years of marriage. In the US, around 40% to 50% of first marriages end in divorce, with the rate increasing to over 60% for second marriages.

Breaking down the barriers

Clara and Helga uphold that relationship issues are normal; and are an inevitable byproduct of romantically blending lives. That’s why they’ve made it their mission to destigmatize couples therapy, reframe it as a healthy and necessary part of relationship maintenance, and to remove the barriers preventing couples from seeking professional help.

Ally: How the app works

Ally is an easy-to-use therapeutic toolkit built on proven IBCT-based (Integrative Behavioral Couples Therapy) psychotherapy methods, a widely recognised and rigorously tested form of couples therapy. Read more about it here.

With self-guided exercises, extensive content and reading materials, quizzes and other interactive activities, the Ally app can be used to deepen romantic connections, repair issues and/or feel more satisfied within relationships.

Selected press mentions

Ally and its relationship findings have garnered worldwide attention.

Women's Health. Should sleeping in a different bedroom to your partner become normalised? (February 7, 2024) View

Me and my ex live together to save money... we get asked the same question every time someone finds out (February 17, 2024) View

The Independent. Buddymooning is the new honeymooning – so why are so many people against it? (January 10, 2024) View

The Independent. Kiss goodbye to your ‘love language’ (January 22, 2024) View

Metro UK. The most common ‘justifications’ people have for cheating on their partner, according to a therapist (January 30, 2024) View

Esquire. Asking the experts: Why are there so many Christmas breakups? (December 29, 2023) View

Hypebae. How to spice up your relationship in the new year (December 22, 2023) View

Modern Psykologi, in Swedish. Jag vill inte gå i parterapi, men… (February 16, 2023) View

Framgångspodden, in Swedish. 753. Kärlekspsykologerna Clara & Helga: Om relationsråd, sex & hur ni överlever småbarnsåren (December 24, 2023) View

Dagens Nyheter, in Swedish. Så räddar du kärleken med relationsarbete. (July 20, 2022) View
